Intangible Interlocution: An Anthology Of Belonging

01 December, 2011

The three segments of Rekha Rodwittiya’s exhibition—titled “Letters of the Universe”, “An Anatomy of Recollection” and “Diagrams of an Interior Space”—together form an anthology of belonging by celebrating the principles of womanhood and examining sites of female empowerment. The segments comprise of mixed media, including works in acrylic and oil on canvas, popular stickers and personal memorabilia on watercolor paper, and a series of digital inkjet prints of autobiographic photo-images.

Intangible Interlocution: An Anthology of Belonging, Until 13 December, Sakshi Gallery, Synergy Art Foundation Ltd, Tanna House, 11, Nathalal Parekh Marg, Colaba, Mumbai. For more information, call +91 22 6610 3424